in the nature of things
Wherever it looped or ran
Some form or other
A brief suspension
From things that came before
All indifferent decay
A similar effect
forest and field
ground /// terrain
swarm + nest
Contact I About
Archive Machines, LAMAG, Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, July 30 - Dec 31, 2020
_ animated GIF, 2020
Mountains is a photographic series of weekly impermanent sculptures built using archives of past photographic work and discarded materials. Made while
California’s shelter-in-place closures were in effect, this work begins with the memory of mountain forms; materials are piled, balanced, and photographed.
At the point of their collapse, the process of building repeats. Constrained by the physical dimensions of the studio space, the walls function as supports and
determine the mountain’s boundaries. This cycle of reprocessing is further realized for the web as an endless animated loop.